The Power of Real-Time, Online Data

The general sentiment around construction and modern technology is that the industry has been slow to embrace it. While this is true of the past, the current and future construction industry is all about modern technology. Not only does technology help to make the industry safer (something that has been a struggle for a very long time), but it is helping contractors to take back control of their budgets, to make smarter choices about project planning and equipment and is, consequently, pushing the green-construction trend forward. The purpose of this presentation is to provide a summary on the current technologies being used in the construction industry with a focus on concrete and to dig even further as to how these can be applied to repair projects. It will provide case studies on how using technology to bring ambient and concrete temperature, relative humidity and strength (among other) data online can help contractors be more efficient.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the past and present state of adoption of technology in construction.
  2. Recognize recent developments in the area of concrete technology.
  3. Describe how real-time, online data can benefit repair processes.
  4. Identify necessary features when selecting new technologies for use in concrete repair.