Outlines the steps in preparing concrete for replacement material in areas where corroded reinforcing steel has caused cracking, spalling, delamination, or other types of deterioration. Topics covered include exposing and undercutting reinforcing steel, edge and surface conditioning, repair of reinforcing steel, and removal geometry.
Este lineamiento proporciona una guía sobre la remoción de concreto y los procedimientos para la preparación de la superficie paray la reparación del de concreto deteriorado provocado por la corrosión del acero de refuerzo. Se discuten la geometría de la remoción, la configuración del área de reparación, el proceso de remoción, la preparación del borde, la reparación del refuerzo, la preparación e inspección de la superficie necesarias para las reparaciones durables. Se incluyen consideraciones especiales para la remoción de concreto asociada con la reparación de columnas.
Este lineamiento proporciona una guía sobre la remoción de concreto y los procedimientos para la preparación de la superficie paray la reparación del de concreto deteriorado provocado por la corrosión del acero de refuerzo. Se discuten la geometría de la remoción, la configuración del área de reparación, el proceso de remoción, la preparación del borde, la reparación del refuerzo, la preparación e inspección de la superficie necesarias para las reparaciones durables. Se incluyen consideraciones especiales para la remoción de concreto asociada con la reparación de columnas.
Summarizes the capabilities, operating requirements, and limitations of the various methods used to prepare concrete surfaces for the application of protective sealers, coatings, polymer overlays, and concrete repair. Benchmark profiles are included which provide visual standards for purposes of specification, application, and verification. In this updated version of the guideline you will find; surface retarders and handheld breakers have been added to the surface preparation methods; surface preparation methods have been updated; and a new appendix summarizes considerations for selecting surface preparation methods and describes various test methods used to evaluate the prepared surface. Plus, concrete surface profile (CSP) 10 has been added to reflect a more aggressive CSP used for concrete repair.
La preparación correcta de la superficie es un elemento clave para determinar el éxito de un proyecto de restaura-ción de concreto. La preparación inadecuada de la super-ficie puede llevar a la falla del sistema de protección o material de reparación, que resulta en mayores repara-ciones, gastos agregados y pérdida de uso, y puede en último término comprometer la integridad de la estructura. La preparación de la superficie es el proceso por el cual una superficie sana, limpia y adecuadamente raspada se produce sobre un sustrato de concreto. La preparación de la superficie incluye la remoción de lechada, suciedad, aceite, capas, pintura, recubrimientos, concreto sano o en mal estado y otros materiales que interferirán con la ad hesión o penetración de un sellador, recubrimiento, revestimiento de polímeros o material de reparación.
This guideline is intended to provide an introduction to hydrodemolition for concrete removal and surface preparation, the benefits and limitations of using hydrodemolition, and an understanding of other aspects to be addressed when incorporating hydrodemolition into a repair project. The guideline provides a description of the equipment, applications, safety procedures, and methods of water control and cleanup.
Illustrates and describes the application methods commonly used for placement of concrete repair materials, along with material requirements, the best applications, and cautions and limitations for each. In addition, engineering considerations, surface preparation, constructability, environmental factors, quality assurance/control, and safety are addressed.
A tool to help designers, specifiers, contractors, and manufacturers make the best possible decisions in selecting materials for the repair of concrete surfaces. It fully describes a process used to develop sound selection criteria that will ensure that, for each project, the material properties needed to produce durable repairs are specified.
The purpose of this document, updated in 2023, is to provide a standardized protocol for testing and reporting of data for inorganic repair materials. Descriptions of material limitations, packaging, storage, label contents, application instructions, material composition, and material properties can be inconsistent, confusing, missing, or misleading. The ACI 364.3R/ICRI 320.3R Cementitious Repair Material Data Sheet—Guide is a first in the industry to provide this information in a standardized, logical, and consistent format so that repair materials can be appropriately selected and specified.
THE RIGHT TOOL AND EQUIPMENT FOR THE JOB. The intent of this document is not to advocate one type of tool or piece of equipment versus another, or discuss tool/equipment efficiency and other properties, but simply to provide a single-source common guide that can be used in the trade when describing and specifying concrete repair tools and equipment. Specifying tools and equipment for mixing and placing concrete repair materials is extremely difficult because the industry uses multiple names for the same tools/equipment and the same names for different tools/equipment. The Problem: Different types of tools and equipment can produce different consistencies and properties in concrete repair products. The Solution: ICRI Technical Guideline 320.5R-2014 will help ensure that the appropriate tools and equipment are properly described and specified.